Lipscomb Academy Dining
2024-2025 Plan Options
If would like to purchase a University meal plan or if you would like to make a change to the plan you have already selected, please contact the Campus Life Office. If you have a question about the university meal plans offered, please call the main office on campus at (615) 966-2673. If you have a question regarding Lipscomb Bucks or any Academy meal plans offered, please contact Lipscomb Dining at (615) 966-1647
Elementary Academy Plans
Semester Plans
Includes lunch for the semester 5 days a week.
3 Per Week Plan
Includes lunch for the semester 3 days a week.
30 Block Plan
30 meals per semester
Lipscomb Bucks
Lipscomb Bucks can be added to your student's account for "extra" items not included with a meal plan. Students who purchase Lipscomb Bucks and are not on a meal plan will pay the door rate for a meal or a la carte pricing.
Price: $25 increments
Middle School & High School Academy Plans
Meals include an entree, sides, dessert and a drink.
Semester Plan
Includes lunch for the semester 5 days a week.
3 Per Week Plan
Includes lunch for the semester 3 days a week.
30 Block Plan
Includes 30 meals for the semester.
Lipscomb Bucks
Lipscomb Bucks can be added to your student's account for "extra" items not included with a meal plan. Students who purchase Lipscomb Bucks and are not on a meal plan will pay the door rate for a meal or a la carte pricing.
Price: $25 Dollar Increments